
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Episode 125 - A Little Language Lesson
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
In this episode I talk about music from Drive-By Truckers, Neil Young, Craig Finn, Bloc Party, and Chamber Band. And if that's not enough, I also talk about books by Neil Gaiman and Mel Brooks! It's a fun episode in which I manage to talk about a BUNCH of stuff in a relatively concise manner, for me! Enjoy!
Remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com and/or e-mail me at db@derekbrink.com!
Time Index (Sorry this is a little brief--I'm on a limited schedule!):
- 0:00 - Intro
- 11:19 - Music Break - Dichotomy
- 11:49 - Music Stuff
- 32:38 - Music Break - Falling
- 33:08 - Books!
- 53:46 - Music Break - Being There
- 54:16 - Outro

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
EC Update 6-7-22.m4a
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
The show is going to be uploaded a little late this week. So here's me (badly) explaining why and being weird. Enjoy!

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Episode 124 - Fab 15 Movie Soundtracks
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
In this kinda bananas episode, my brother Dave returns and we compile a new Fab 15 list--the Fab 15 Movie Soundtracks! It was a lot of fun and all over the place with a lot of music and movies represented. It's a good time. Remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com and feel free to email me with your own list (or other stuff) at db@derekbrink.com and I'll reply and maybe even read your e-mail on the air!
Time index:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 7:06 - Ground-Rules and chit-chat
- 22:18 - #15 Running on Empty?
- 31:10 - #14 In the weeds.
- 41:05 - #13 Good calls.
- 47:23 - #12 We actually DID circle back to it!
- 50:57 - #11 Dave repeatedly says "very weird." Writing these without spoilers is hard.
- 1:00:57 - #10 Dave clearly researched this better than I did.
- 1:08:04 - #9 Okay!
- 1:13:08 - #8 "One."
- 1:19:51 - #7 I might email you later.
- 1:32:42 - #6 I think the page he went to is white...
- 1:38:38 - #5 I have Dad's copy of that soundtrack.
- 1:46:08 - #4 That's a really good choice and I didn't think of it.
- 1:59:20 - #3 So...continue...
- 2:03:27 - #2 The home stretch.
- 2:04:33 - #1 I am so pissed off that that's the right choice for #1.
- 2:11:47 - Honorable mentions.
- 2:25:54 - Attempting a final list.
- 2:33:33 - Outro

Tuesday May 24, 2022
EC Upload 5-24-22.m4a
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
In recognition and respect to the children and teacher who lost their lives in Texas today, I will not be uploading an episode of what is normally a goofy, fun, pop-culture show. Instead here is a brief recording of me processing some of my thoughts on it. If talk of this event (or similar ones) is detrimental to your mental/emotional health, please skip this. I plan to upload a very fun episode next week. Be good to each other. -Uncle Derek

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Episode 123 - Feel Good With Me
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
In this episode, I talk about the new season of The Kids in the Hall, finish up the thoughts I started last week on How I Met Your Mother, and then talk about new music from Eytan Mirsky and old music from Chamber Band. All that plus a couple of cats! THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR THE KITH SERIES AND HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. Consult the time-index below if needed/desired.
Remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com and email me at db@derekbrink.com if you wanna do that.
Time index:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 7:08 - Music Break - Live Your Life
- 7:38 - TV Stuff
- 8:35 - The Kids in the Hall 2022 season
- How I Met Your Mother ending - 24:23
- 34:00 - Music Break - Lonely
- 34:30 - Music Stuff
- 34:34 - Eytan Mirsky - Lord Have Mirsky
- Chamber Band - Governor's Square
- 48:16 - Music Break - Danielle
- Outro

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Episode 122 - You Got to Hear Me Do Math in Real Time and It Got Ugly
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
In this episode, I'm back on my own and talking about Kurt Vile, Willie Nelson, Japanese Breakfast, Drop Dead Fred, How I Met Your Mother, and my cats! I had fun with it. I bet you will too!
Remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com and e-mail me your thoughts or a facsimile thereof at db@derekbrink.com. Thanks for your support!
Time breakdown:
- 0:00 - Intro
- Welcome and Cat Chat - 0:00
- Fab 15 Follow up - 3:39
- Couch Complaints - 6:53
- Drinking with Derek - 10:56
- Websites of interest - 12:19
- 13:32 - Music Break - Not Okay
- 14:02 - Recent Music Releases
- Kurt Vile - Watch My Moves - 14:50
- Willie Nelson - A Beautiful Time & Family - 19:23
- Japanese Breakfast - Sable - 26:40
- 37:11 - Music Break - Diner
- 37:41 - TV and Movies
- Drop Dead Fred - 40:05
- How I Met Your Mother - 48:19
- 59:57 - Music Break - A Turning
- 1:00:28 - Outro
- I bought a lawnmower - 1:00:46
- My birthday's coming up - 1:02:42

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Episode 121 - The Fab 15: Beatles Songs
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
In this episode, my brother Dave joins us for the debut of "The Fab 15" (or "The Fab Fifteen" I'm not sure if I like the number or the word better). Basically, we pick a subject, both make a list of our personal favorite things relate to that subjects, and then compare lists, hoping to make a master list. And for the debut edition, we started with the hardest one--our top 15 Beatles songs!
This will be a recurring feature, but it's not going to be every week, at least at first. Maybe every couple weeks or once a month, or whatever--who knows?! Regardless, it's a fun episode with a lot going on in it. We hope you enjoy it--and play along! Tell us your "Fab 15" Beatles tracks by e-mailing them to db@derekbrink.com. And remember to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more!
Time breakdown:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 2:30 - The origin of The Fab 15.
- 6:00 - Why we chose The Beatles, our metrics, our methods, and so on.
- 17:48 - We start the lists!
- 17:48 - Song #15
- 24:20 - Song #14 (featuring some love for Ringo)
- 30:25 - Song #13
- 38:25 - Song #12
- 46:42 - Song #11
- 51:17 - Song #10
- 51:43 - Song #9 - "Nobody correct us!"
- 57:30 - Song #8
- 1:08:05 - Song #7 - Neither of us saw the movie.
- 1:11:20 - Song #6 - Jerry Lewis impressions.
- 1:19:35 - Song #5 - An agreement that annoys Derek.
- 1:28:23 - Song #4 - "What album is that on?!?"
- 1:36:56 - Song #3
- 1:44:33 - Song #2 -- A perfect match!
- 1:50:29 - Song #1
- 1:52:43 - Making the master list!
- 2:11:00 - Outro

Monday May 02, 2022
EC Upload 5-2-22.m4a
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
There is a new episode tomorrow. But in light of the Supreme Court leak tonight, I needed to say a couple of things. Come back tomorrow for fun. Tonight, I needed to be heard. Opinions are my own and do not represent anyone else...even though they should.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
EC Update 4-26-22.m4a
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
This is a quick update to explain that I won't be doing a full show this week after some bad news in my family. "Thoughts and prayers" are such a cliche, but I know my family would appreciate yours. planning to be back next week. Thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Episode 120 - I Don’t Give a F*** S*** B****** A** About Profanity
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
In this one, I'm low on ideas, so I read an email asking me about the Oscar slap and then talk about my top ten "best" (or favorite) lead singers of all time. Which is an idea I stole from Patton Oswalt. Whatever. It's fun!
Check out the blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos (and this week I name a BUNCH of albums I think you should check out in the photos) and more! And e-mail me your questions and comments at db@derekbrink.com, if you want me to actually see them and reply.
Time breakdown:
- 0:00 - Intro (including talk of cats!
- 11:11 - Music Break - Out from the Light
- 11:41 - Checkmail re: The Oscar Slap
- 29:13 - Music Break - Dichotomy
- 29:43 - My picks for "best" lead vocalist of all time
- 49:38 - Music Break - One Man
- 50:08 - Outro