
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
11-7-17 - Episode 13 - Phonetics Don't Work
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
This week I'm super-excited to talk about the recent developments in the WWE. I also talk about stuff I like in the world of New Media such as Game Grumps, Movie Fights, Hot Ones, WTF w/Marc Maron (particularly the Jenna Fischer episode), and stuff like that... Then I talk about music I like, including a quick summary of the stuff I listened to on the day of recording. All that, plus I play guitar, talk about my teeth, get excited about shoes, and address Kevin Spacey. Lots of stuff! 0:00 - Intro and stuff (w/intro music at 0:28) 1:49 - This week in WWE Wrestling, including me fanboying over the title win by AJ Styles. 14:13 - Guitar Break #1 - A piece that's still in the "improv" stage and doesn't really have a name yet. Right now I just call it "the Pink Floydy thing." 15:23 - New Media Roundup - Including recommendations for Kevin Smith's "Fat Man on Batman," Movie Fights, Game Grumps, "Hot Ones" with a sidebar about my fondness for Henry Rollins, and WTF with Marc Maron with particular attention paid to the Jenna Fischer episode. 25:31 - Guitar Break #2 - Solo from "Sister Myrtle" a song I used to do in bands with my brother, most notably in Blue Tattoo and The Social Gospel. This is a rough, sloppy version, but so what? 26:24 - Music stuff, including reviews of The Old 97s' "Graveyard Whistling," Flogging Molly's "Life is Good," and the Replacements' "For Sale: Live at Maxwell's 1986." Also brief listing of stuff I listened to on the day of recording. 38:57 - Guitar Break #3 - Solo section from "I Go..." which I did with my brother in Blue Tattoo, Two Hangmen, and The Social Gospel, and it also appears on my solo release "Sorry, I Didn't Mean to Shout," which you can download for FREE at http://derekbrink.bandcamp.com if you'd like. 40:14 - Random stuff, including a dental update, talking about buying shoes, and Kevin Spacey. 47:00 - Quick recap, so I don't end by talking about Kevin Spacey before the outro music kicks in.

Thursday Nov 02, 2017
11-2-17 - Episode 12 - Hats n' Stuff
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
FYI - There are a couple of audio glitches in the episode after the 30-minute mark. My computer's getting tempermental. Working on it, but they're there this week. Sorry. On this week's episode, I talk about hats I bought and give a glowing plug to my favorite hat shop Levine's Hats in St. Louis. Then I talk about wrestling for a while. Then music reviews featuring Ryan Adams, The Mountain Goats, and the War on Drugs. I also free-form about some stuff I want to/need to buy in the near future and play my Rickenbacker bass between subjects. I had fun with this one--hope you do too! Index of subjects: 0:00 - Introduction including a plug of the NEW podcast blog address! 3:10 - Bass Break #1 3:39 - HATS HATS HATS!!! 10:35 - Bass Break #2 11:20 - This week in the WWE 31:06 - Bass Break #3 32:26 - Music - The War on Drugs, Mountain Goats, Ryan Adams 41:22 - Bass Break #4 42:27 - Random stuff I want to buy 50:05 - Outro music Be sure to visit the new blog address at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for more stuff!

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
10-25-17 - Episode 11 - Rewriting the Rules of English
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
On this episode, I talk about a great concert from Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets. Then I talk about the WWE. Then I quickly review some music from Tori Amos and Godspeed You Black Emperor and recommend some TV, in particular Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. I also bid brief RIPs to Robert Guillaume and Fats Domino. All that, plus I sing the praises of Delmar Hall and Mission Taco, and play the guitar a little! Index of Subjects Discussed: 0:00 - Intro Stuff, including RIPs to Robert Guillaume and Fats Domino 4:20 - Review of Nick Lowe and Los Straightjackets, including reviews of the venue (Delmar Hall), Mission Taco, and the evening in general. 31:11 - This week in WWE Wrestling. 41:57 - Batting Cleanup - Tori Amos, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Dirk Gently, and more! 51:05 - Outro Music Check out photos on the blog at: https://derekbrink.blogspot.com/2017/10/episode-11-rewriting-rules-of-english.html

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
10-18-17 - Episode 10 - Bummer Sandwich
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
This is a pretty serious episode. Please be forewarned that I openly discuss the subject of sexual assault/rape in regards to the Harvey Weinstein story. I do not describe anything in detail, but if the subject is a triggering event from you, you may wish to skip ahead. I also discuss pro-wrestling, because I have no idea how to smoothly transition between subjects. Then I close out the show bidding an emotional farewell to Gord Downie from The Tragically Hip. And more! Introduction - 0:00 Discussion of Harvey Weinstein/Sexual Assault - 3:08 WWE Talk - 18:50 RIP Gord Downie - 33:00

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
10-11-17 - Episode 9 - Punk Rock and Pro Wrestling
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
I went to see an awesome punk rock show featuring the Descendents, The Get Up Kids, and Braddock. I also watched wrestling. I talked about both those things. Hurray!

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
10-2-17 - Episode 8 - Processing Las Vegas
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
This is a pretty low-key episode. I talk through my thoughts on the Las Vegas shooting. It's a more raw listen than usual. I talk about a couple of albums that helped me today; Aimee Mann's "Mental Illness" (which I realized during the upload I've already talked about on the show, but whatever) and the new album by Lowercase Noises, "The Swiss Illness." Mostly, I just needed to talk. Thought it might help me/others.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
This week's episode is about an hour and twenty minutes of a conversation with my brother Dave. It was a good talk and a lot of fun. I'm downright giggly throughout and enjoyed myself a lot. :) We talk about a bunch of different music, a couple movies, etc. Index of main topics discussed: 00:01 - Intro/Music 01:30 - Meeting Dave and Intro Stuff 03:50 - Review/Discussion of Living Colour's "Shade" 14:24 - A Text from Dad turns into a Tribute to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 18:06 - Dave Tells Me About the Movie "IT" 27:06 - A Concert Review: Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, and Edgar Winter (we also end up talking about Saxon) 43:09 - Review/Discussion of the Foo Fighters' "Concrete and Gold" 50:24 - I Tell Dave About Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real's New Self-Titled Album 52:52 - Dave Tells Me About Steve Earle's New Album 54:09 - A Farewell to Jessi Zazu of Those Darlins 01:04:16 - Random Questions With Dave About Stuff He Likes (Favorite Albums, TV, Pro-Wrestling Memories, etc.)

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
9-11-17 - Episode 6 - In Which I Become Tom Waits
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
In this week's episode, I've got a bad cold, so I talk about Tom Waits for about 15 minutes, then give my two-cents on Neil Young's "Hitchhiker." Short one this week! (As a fun-fact, I also uploaded this on 9/11/17, although it's not getting posted until Thursday. By the time the upload was complete around 10pm, my temperature was 100-degrees.)

Thursday Sep 07, 2017
9-6-17 - Episode 5 - Yelling, Crying, and a Pick of the Week
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
In this episode I yell about it not making sense to call someone a sexist for saying something that isn't sexist, I come close to crying while talking about pro-wrestling, and I give my first (and possibly last) ever "pick of the week" to Ray Davies' new record "Americana." All that and more!

Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
In this week's episode, I make an appeal for donations to the Red Cross then talk about music from Fishboy, Jason Isbell, Jade Jackson, Aimee Mann, Japandroids, and Big Star's Third. Also discussed books by Tana French and George Saunders. Then a lengthy talk about "new media" where I list my favorite shows on YouTube, my favorite podcasts, and a few Netflix titles. Jam-packed episode!