
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Episode 53 - Kicking Out at 2
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
This week's episode got a little intense as I talked about Roman Reigns' leukemia diagnosis right at the top and ended up telling some personal stories and getting kinda dark in places. Then I talk about music, because, sure... Talked about the new releases from Jason Isbell, The Bottle Rockets, and Trampled by Turtles, then talked about Neil Young's "Harvest," which is one of my all-time favorite records. After a series of malfunctions, I don't have a time-index this week, but the music stuff is about a half-hour in. Check out http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more!

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Episode 52 - The Best Damn Turtle You Can Find
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
This week's episode is a longer one to make up for missing a show last week. I talk about music from Coheed and Cambria, Elvis Costello, Louden Wainwright III, and Thrice. I also talk about TV shows including Murphy Brown, Disenchantment, and Doctor Who. Plus other stuff, including a long rant about how the Internet makes people worse. Enjoy! Also be sure to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com 0:00 - Intro 4:43 - An extended rant about how sometimes the Internet sucks. 19:33 - Music Break #1 - Born in this Town 20:03 - New Music Releases 55:54 - Music Break #2 - Nobody Has It All 56:24 - TV Talk 1:12:49 - Music Break #3 - Coming Storm 1:13:19 - Outro

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Episode 51 - Islands Don't Go in Streams
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
It's a short episode this week because I've got a cold. I mostly talk about the MC5, Amanda Shires, Adam's House Cat, and Tyler Childers. Short episodes are good jumping-on points, so this one might be the one you've been waiting for. Be sure to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and stuff! Here's the time-breakdown thing... 0:00 - Intro and Batting Cleanup 5:40 - Music Break #1 - "Not Okay" 6:10 - MC50 Concert Review 16:55 - Music Break #2 - "Being There" 17:25 - Recent Record Purchases - MC5, Amanda Shires, Adam's House Cat, and Tyler Childers 29:57 - Music Break #3 - "Napalm" 30:28 - Outro Stuff

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Episode 50 - My Top 10 Favorite Concerts
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
So this episode is just me counting down my top ten favorite concerts I've attended. That's it! The blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com will have lots of pictures this week! 0:00 - Intro Stuff. Lots of Intro Stuff 16:00 - Music Break 1 - Give it Up 16:34 - My ALL TIME TOP 10 FAVORITE CONCERTS! 1:08:49 - Music Break 2 - Outdoor Summer Concerts 1:09:24 - Outro

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Episode 49 - Hey Siri, Stop Recording
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
***EDIT: I COMPLETELY forgot to censor some swearing in this episode. So if you're not a grown-up, grow up.*** In this episode, I spend an extended amount of time talking about the Jason Isbell show in St. Louis this past week (and why I loved it). I also talk about the movie and book Juliet, Naked, and the Venture Bros. You know how it goes by now. Here's the time index: 0:00 - Jason Isbell show in St. Louis 22:15 - Music Break #1 - "Sometimes You Say Goodbye" 22:46 - Movie/Book Review - Juliet, Naked 40:40 - Music Break #2 - "You and Your Perfect Life" 41:11 - Venture Bros. and the Shirt of the Week Club 45:48 - Music Break #3 - Hindsight 46:19 - Outro, including tributes to Aretha Franklin and Burt Reynolds

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Episode 48 - A Pod of a Cast
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Covered a lot of ground in this one considering a half hour of it is just me demoing the Strymon Mobius! It's a fun one for me where I play guitar for a long time. I also talk about a bunch of guitar stuff and a hodge podge of other stuff. You know how it goes. Here's the time breakdown: 0:00 - Intro 6:30 - Music Break #1 - "Stranger" 7:00 - Hodge Podge including wrestling, Current Listening, Philosoffee Podcast, and the Kurt Vonneguys podcast 18:01 - Music Break #2 - "Falling" 18:31 - Talking about guitar accessories 35:32 - Music Break #3 - "Not Okay" 40:02 - Demoing the Strymon Mobius 1:02:20 - Music Break #4 - "Angel" 1:02:50 - Outro

Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Episode 47 - Guess What I ALMOST Named This One
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
This week's episode contains a lot of me ranting. I know...but more-so! I talk about the Star Trek Mission Crate from Loot Crate, the current season of The Venture Bros., and also a long talk on this week's happenings in the WWE--there was a Pay Per View and a LOT to discuss! All that, plus I freak out because I saw a bug. What are you waiting for? Click the thing! Here's the time breakdown: 0:00 - Mostly me yelling about fleas. 9:20 - Music Break 1 - Nobody Has it All 9:50 - My extreme disappointment with Loot Crate's Mission Crate. 19:07 - Music Break 2 - Nobody Else 19:39 - TV Stuff (including The Venture Bros. at the start, then WWE wrestling from 30:18 onward) 59:26 - Music Break 3 - Who I Am 59:59 - Outro

Friday Aug 10, 2018
Episode 46 - Praise Stupid Nerd Stuff
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
This week's episode was a fun one for me. I talk at length about the new album by Amanda Shires (spoiler alert--it's great!). I spend some time talking about my 90s Ibanez Soundgear bass. I talk a bit about TV. And more! Here's the time index: 0:00 - Intro, including my dissatisfaction with Loot Crate 6:09 - Music Break 1 - "Born in this Town" from the Out from the Light record 6:40 - Music Talk including a revisit to the new Jayhawks record and an extended review of Amanda Shires' "To the Sunset." 18:10 - Music Break 2 - "Beautiful Disaster" from the Trigger Warnings & Sunshine album 18:41 - Talking about my Ibanez Soundgear bass. 27:54 - Music Break 3 - "What I'm Dying For" off of the It Could Be Worse album 28:23 - TV Talk including a little bit of WWE, a little Kimmy Schmitt, and a lot of Venture Bros. 45:38 - Music Break 4 - "Amanda, I'm Tired" from the It Could Be Worse album 46:07 - Outro, including announcing that we're turning 1 year old! Be sure to visit http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more!

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Episode 45 - When I Was Young and Virile
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
This week's episode is a little different. I didn't really have anything new to talk about so instead I talked about a couple of my guitars that mean a lot to me and also about the comic book Bone by Jeff Smith. It's an episode of full-on nostalgia for me, and I hope you'll enjoy the trip back in time too. Be sure to check out the blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more! Here's how the time breaks down: 0:00 - Intro 5:40 - Music Break #1 - "One Man" from my Grounds album. 6:11 - Talking about my Ibanez EX Series bass. 16:48 - Music Break #2 - "Fall Apart" from my Grounds album. 17:18 - Talking about the comic book Bone by Jeff Smith. 35:18 - Music Break #3 - "Stranger" from my Grounds album. 35:48 - Talking about my Silvertone guitar. 43:03 - Music Break #4 - "Diner" from my Grounds album. 43:33 - Outro

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
This week's episode of Empty Checking is a shorter episode, so it's a pretty good jumping-on point if you've been behind. I talk about playing retro Atari games and also music from Nine Inch Nails, The Get Up Kids, and Pulp. Plus just a little bit of wrestling--but so little it didn't even get its own entry. I liked doing this episode and I hope you like listening to it. Here's the time-index: 0:00 - Intro Stuff 4:30 - Music Break #1 - "Earned" off of the "Things I Meant to Say" album 5:00 - I strongly endorse straberry lemonade, in general. Then I also strongly endorse a gaming system from the 70s. - The Atari Flashback 15:33 - Music Break #2 - "Napalm" from the "Something to Look Forward to" album 16:04 - Music Reviews: Nine Inch Nails- Bad Witch, The Get Up Kids - Kicker (EP), Pulp - Different Class 32:42 - Music Break #3 - "Of Death and Dying" from the "Ink-Stained Fingers" album 33:14 - Outro Stuff including talking about wrestling for a couple minutes. Thanks for your support! Be sure to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more!