
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Episode 63 - Good Sean Connery Words
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
On this week's episode I open up with some personal stuff then talk about new music from Eli Paperboy Reed, Over the Rhine, and Jenny Lewis (as well as touching briefly on my love of Iron Maiden). I then spend a large chunk of the show talking about Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five," which turned 50 years old last month. And I close out by telling you about a couple of adult beverages I've recently enjoyed. It's a good one! 0:00 - Life Updates 10:56 - MUSIC BREAK #1 - "Malfunction" from the "*" album 11:17 - Music Reviews 28:10 - MUSIC BREAK #2 - "The Way the World Will End" from "*" 28:41 - A long talk about Slaughterhouse-Five 58:06 - MUSIC BREAK #3 - "The War" from "*" 58:36 - Booze Corner and Outro Thanks for your support! Check out http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more!

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Episode 62 - BONUS EPISODE - The "Grounds" Episode
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
On a special BONUS EPISODE, I get self-indulgent and listen to/talk about my first solo record "Grounds," which was released in 2005. It's a trip down memory lane. Did I love it, did I hate it, what bands were my influences at the time, and what was I drinking while recording this episode? Find out by clicking the thingy! And visit http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for a ton of photos and other stuff!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Episode 61 - Maxima Mea Culpa
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
In an episode where I accidentally took a month off,I cover a lot of ground to catch up! Listen to me rant about St. Patrick's Day, the Flogging Molly concert from two weeks back, music from Chatham County Line, Joe Jackson, Dream Theater, and the Claypool Lennon Delirium, and more! I also bid farewell to Peter Tork, Keith Flint, King Kong Bundy, Luke Perry, and Dick Dale. It's a big show! Check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for pictures and more!

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Episode 60 - Listen to a TED Talk, I Can't Solve All Your Problems
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
On this week's episode I talk about (and play!) my new Fender Telecaster American Pro guitar. I also talk about new music from Mandolin Orange, The Flesh Eaters, and Bob Mould. Then I talk about Fallout 4, Red Dead Redemption II, and WWE 2K19 on the PS4. And more! Sorry there's not a time index this week, but I'm running late for something while doing this upload. :) Check out http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more stuff!

Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Episode 59 - My All Time Favorite Concept Albums
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
In this week's episode I talk about my all-time favorite concept albums, including a diatribe about the format in general. It's a fun one! Check it out and check out the blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for more stuff. (No time index this week since it's just one topic.) Thanks for your support!

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Episode 58 - Gaming is Fun but Leaning is Painful
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
On this week's episode I talk about all kinds of stuff including music from Prince, The Who, Yep Roc Records, the new format for Conan on TBS, gaming on the PS4, and so on... I also bid farewell to Bob Einstein and Mean Gene Okerlund. And more! Check it out! Here's the time index for those inclined to skip around: 0.00 - Intro with some personal stuff and tributes to Bob Einstein and Gene Okerlund 10:55 - Music Break - "The Last Folk Singers" 11:29 - Talking about the PS4 with focus on the games Fallout 4, Detroit Become Human, and Carmageddon. 27:10 - Music Break - "Not Okay" 27:43 - A Hodgepodge of Entertainment Stuff: Prince - Piano and a Microphone (28:07) Yep Roc Records Completist Club (33:30) The Who on Tour! (35:32) Conan's new format (37:56) A brief talk about the WWE (42:03) Loot Crate's Star Trek Mission Crate (43:13) 51:08 - Music Break - "Being There" 51:39 - Show Outro Check out http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for more!

Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Episode 57 - Top Ten Albums of 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
It's a list of my top ten albums of 2018! That's pretty much it!

Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Episode 56 - Checkmates?
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Sorry the description and whatnot is going to be lacking this week--I'm in a rush to meet a deadline on something else. This week I talk about how much fun I'm having playing Stardew Valley, I talk about new music from J Mascis, Greta Van Fleet, and Louden Wainwright III, and I talk about Patton Oswalt's special "Annihilation." It's a good one!

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Episode 55 - The Asterisk (Vonnegut) Episode
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
This episode is all about my new album "Asterisk" and my love of all things Kurt Vonnegut. That's pretty much it! Be sure to check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking,blogspot.com for more stuff! The album referenced (and played!) throughout the episode can be downloaded for FREE (or pay what you want) at http://derekbrink.bandcamp.com/album/asterisk.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Episode 54 - An Interview with Jim Ousley
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
I like this week's episode a lot. It's a nice, long chat with my friend Jim Ousley, author of the awesome horror comic "The Dead Palace." We talk about the comic...and everything else we can think of from music to movies to personal stuff. It's a good talk. You can pick up a copy of The Dead Palace at http://thedeadpalace.bigcartel.com and it's worth every cent. This whole episode is just the two of us riffing, so there's no time-line like I'd normally provide. But there are still some photos and whatnot at http://emptychecking/blogspot.com if that's your cup of tea!