
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Episode 101 - Wes Anderson Movies (aka - Wes Anders-erverse?)
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
In this episode I talk about the movies of Wes Anderson. I cover all 9 that are currently out, alongside some personal stuff...etc... You know the format of the show by now! (Fair warning, spoilers abound for each movie.)
Check out the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for photos and more stuff! Feel free to e-mail your questions and comments to db@derekbrink.com!
Here's how the times break down.
- 0:00 - Intro
- 10:05 - Music Break - If I'd Known You
- 10:32 - General Comments on Wes Anderson and how I became a fan.
- 22:36 - Bottle Rocket
- 26:24 - Rushmore
- 32:17 - The Royal Tenenbaums
- 40:25 - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
- 48:47 - The Darjeeling Limited
- 53:44 - Fantastic Mr. Fox
- 57:47 - Moonrise Kingdom
- 1:02:26 - The Grand Budapest Hotel
- 1:10:00 - Isle of Dogs - And a side discussion of Asian representation.
- 1:29:53 - Final Thoughts on Wes Anderson
- 1:33:32 - Music Break - Heaven Knows
- 1:34:03 - Outro
Thanks for your support!

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Episode 100!!! - Listener Mail Extravaganza!
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
We did it, kids! We made it to 100 episodes! This one is completely fan-driven. I just sit and address listener mail for the whole episode. It was fun. I talked about wine, comics, wrestling, swearing, a recent twitter fight, and if I prefer the Beatles or the Stones, among other things.
In the episode I mention that my buddy (and one-time podcast guest) Jim Ousley has a Kickstarter going for his newest comic book venture. Back The Atonement Bell at this link. Or you can pick up some back issues of Butcher Queen here, or the volume 1 trade here.
Otherwise, thanks for 100 episodes! Check out the blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com for pictures and more stuff!
Here's the time index:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 9:27 - Music Break - Live Your Life
- 9:58 - Emily asks about alcohol.
- 18:40 - Music Break - Every Day
- 19:09 - Jack N asks about comic books.
- 27:53 - Music Break - The Party Years
- 28:24 - Shannon asks about wrestling.
- 41:48 - Music Break - Bullshit
- 42:20 - "Percy" asks about cussing.
- 47:16 - Music Break - Danielle
- 47:46 - A different Danielle requests more theme shows.
- 54:16 - Music Break - Heaven Knows
- 54:48 - Rick asks about a recent Twitter fight.
- 1:11:48 - Music Break - Midlife Suicide
- 1:12:19 - Dr. Poop asks rock and roll questions.
- 1:21:51 - Music Break - Useless
- 1:21:51 - Outro

Monday Aug 09, 2021
EC Update 8-9-21.m4a
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
A quick update on what the hell happened and why episode #100 isn't up yet. short version: Sorry!

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
EC Update and Reminder 7-25-21 - Email me!.m4a
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
As mentioned in the last episode, no new episode this week, but here's a quick reminder to send in your emails to db@derekbrink.com for episode #100! It'll be recorded and uploaded next weekend so you've got a *little* time...but it's running out quick!

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Episode 99 - Stay With Me As I Google It (Who is Sam Smith?)
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
God's holy trousers! There's a new episode of Empty Checking! In this long-awaited return you're getting a half-year report on music that has come out in 2021 and also my review of a couple books by Tatiana de Rosnay. This is episode #99, which means episode #100 is up next! I'm taking two weeks between because I want to get some listener mail in to read on the show and I want to give you plenty of time to send it in to db@derekbrink.com (or to comment on the Podbean page or at the companion blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com). Thanks so much for your patience and support. It's good to be back!

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
EC Update 6-22-21.m4a
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
In this 8 minute almost-episode I explain that my computer isn't letting me into my account but my phone is. Who knows? I also babble about The Tragically Hip and Gord Downie for a little while. So we're getting close! :) Talk to you soon!

Friday Jun 18, 2021
EC Update 6-18-21.m4a
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Look...I had too much vodka before recording this...but basically I promised to record a new episode for 6/20. And I think I meant it this time. Thanks for your patience. This has been a very difficult period, but I'm glad I have this outlet. new episode on Father's Day. I mostly promise. Probably for sure. Maybe. Probably. Listen to the thing. If you want. And so on.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
EC Update 6-8-21.m4a
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Quick update on when the show is coming back. Kinda. Sorta. Thanks for your patience! You're the best fans in the...thing!

Sunday May 30, 2021
EC Update 5-30-21.m4a
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Quick update on the show. We'll be back to normal soon. Just not today. Thanks for your patience.

Sunday May 23, 2021
EC Update 5-23-21.m4a
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Quick update from my phone on the state of the show. It'll be back as soon as I can get it back...but we're not there yet.